©2000 Emily Crockett
From Valerie & Walter Crockett's Emily's Angel on the Big Bark label.

I always knew he was the best, I felt connected to him.
This was long before we met, but I already knew him.
Many nights he filled my dreams,
Sometimes I'd wake up laughing.
I knew that if I believed, anything could happen.

One special day my dreams came true.
That was when I really knew, he was better than I expected.
Now I know what the best is.
I loved him a whole lot before,
Now I love him even more.
He brought my heart up from under.
I felt the roll of thunder.
Now I don't have to wonder anymore.

The window of opportunity was sitting wide open.
He was spending time with me just as I'd been hoping.
He never seemed to be in a rush, though he had a lot to do,
And I knew by his gentle touch kindness was all he knew.


When I thought it was time to leave he invited me to stay.
My goal had already been achieved but I stayed for two more days.
Every day he spent more time with me than he had the day before.
Anyone could plainly see I couldn't ask for more.


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Valerie & Walter Crockett

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